We were MOVING this week- and I say that in a very broad sense. I felt the children deepening their learning across all aspects of the curriculum AND we capped off the week with the 5th Annual Orchard Fun Run! Let's have a look.
On Monday, we had our first Farm to School session! The children looked at, felt, smelled, and chopped- beets, cucumbers, and parsley. They also put together a maple balsamic dressing and got to taste this crunchy, fall salad. We are very lucky to have F to S brought to us by the Common Roots Organization.

Later in the week we learned a poem about sunflowers reaching the end of summer and withering into fall, only to have their seeds sprout again in spring. We followed this up with some art work that will make its way to our hallway soon. Stay tuned for the children's responses to "Good bye summer ________. Hello fall ________". Their individual answers will be on display in the hallway with their art.
With our minds on fall, we headed outside for a fall scavenger hunt with our big buddies! Can you see some of the fun signs of fall we spotted? Look for a scarecrow and an apple on a branch below.
That put us in the mood for creating our October calendars that went home in folders this week.
We finished the week with another marker of time passing- this year's Orchard School Fun Run. In our bright shirts, we stretched to get ready and were filled with excitement when we made it outside. I think this crew had as much fun cheering on their older friends and siblings as they did running the course themselves. It was a super successful day!
In this last picture you can see our classmates extending their hands to high five some first grade runners on their way around.
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