Here I am on Sunday evening realizing that I haven't officially moved on from last week until I post some pictures on the blog. I'm preparing to switch our hallway display over to reflect the learning we've been doing with Leo Lionni stories but before I do, here's a look at the children's sunflowers. (And, the people being "bucket fillers" up above).
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Trying to Keep Up
Sunday, October 16, 2022
It's a Balancing Act
What's the expression about having a lot of plates in air? That's how I felt about our class this week. Learning is full speed ahead in all directions AND we managed a field trip to Mr. Wright's house as well as a visit with Officer Bree- our school resource officer for her famous Kindergarten book give away! Here's a look through some highlights...
Whether engaged in a math game or a self directed construction project, the children are bringing their full focus.
Monday, October 10, 2022
Moving on...
We were MOVING this week- and I say that in a very broad sense. I felt the children deepening their learning across all aspects of the curriculum AND we capped off the week with the 5th Annual Orchard Fun Run! Let's have a look.
On Monday, we had our first Farm to School session! The children looked at, felt, smelled, and chopped- beets, cucumbers, and parsley. They also put together a maple balsamic dressing and got to taste this crunchy, fall salad. We are very lucky to have F to S brought to us by the Common Roots Organization.

Sunday, October 2, 2022
Making Applesauce and Making 5!
What's to be done with all the apples from apple picking? ...Make applesauce of course! This week we washed, chopped, cooked, and smushed (with the help of an old fashioned food mill) our very own apples to make homemade applesauce. You can even seen two industrious students washing dishes!