Some of the best learning that happens in Kindergarten (and school in general) is when the children are able to learn from one another. Our sharing theme this month is providing this type of opportunity. Have a look at one of our classmates sharing three cool facts about gorillas.
On Friday ALL the children had a chance to take on the role of teacher because that's what the class chose to do for our 100 Apple Core Celebration- "1/2 the day with "kids in charge and 1/2 the day with you was in charge" was how this scheme was explained to me and it went beautifully. Below you will see children leading the morning message routine and explaining activities at the doc cam. 

Two of our favorite animals right not continue to be Gerald the elephant and Piggie the pig. We had a great time creating their likenesses with signature expressions and phrases in talking bubbles. Below you can see the process but you'll have to revisit the blog next week for a look at the final pieces on display in the hallway.
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