Frequent readers of the blog know that we've been deep in a Social Studies unit about "long ago and today". November's sharing theme has been a big part of this. In this picture you can see a classmate sharing a traditional Vietnamese dress that was commonly worn over 200 years ago. The opportunity to learn from one another is tremendous!
A favorite book from this unit was The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. I had mentioned this in a newsletter and wanted to show what the children's artwork and writing looks like in the hallway outside our classroom.
Also in the hallway outside our room is our mural that summarizes the book From Path to Highway by Gail Gibbons. It shows how the Boston Post Road started as a foot path and became a four lane highway. We told the story in shapes!

In the picture above you can see a classmate playing this week's Math Game. It's a "one person game" in which you try to get the numbers 11-20 in the correct positions in your set up by flipping and exchanging. The next level is to try it while "racing a friend" with their cards. We're really getting a handle on the teens!
Unrelated to numbers but definitely a fun moment in our week was getting to see ObiWanKenSnoBi! We were the first class out there!
We ended our week with a wonderful activity for Flexible Friday led by Miss Finn. After reading No Turkey for Thanksgiving by Jacqueline Jules we created a class quilt that shows the variety of Thanksgiving family traditions that stem from the families in our class.
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