During the week before break we took some time to put some closure on a few things. You can never have enough time with Gerald and Piggie, but this photo shows just how much these two characters have become fixtures in our classroom.
The children still love building with unit blocks which have been a staple of Explore time all year. The pattern blocks, though they have taken on a spring theme.
New this week was the introduction of cuisenaire rods- a colorful math building tool that's calibrated to a system of 10. (The smallest unit is cube that is "worth 1", and the longest unit which is made up of 10 cubes has a value of 10. They can be used for measuring, adding, or creative designing as you can see here!

Another new experience this week was planting seeds! On Friday we learned a bit about what's in a seed, the variety of ways seeds can look, and just how powerful those little bits of nature can be. Here is a look at us planting pea seeds. Learning about the seed and soil cycles is a perfect extension of our unit on natural resources and conservation. SO much science this spring!
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