We called our celebration "Popcorn, Pink Lemonade, and Posters" but should have added "Pop Songs" to that title. For about half an hour we snacked, colored name posters, and listened to the Kids Bop versions of some favorite pop songs. Super fun!
Earlier in the week in the week we talked about our new signs of spring sharing theme. Mrs. Freeman showed us a crocus from her yard!...And we painted rainbows for our March calendar.
Other cool happenings this week included a census activity with Miss Kathy in Math. Miss Kathy explained what a census is and taught us a song called "Everyone Counts". After each child completed a form about who lives in their home, we had a whole group activity about counting on. I believe that everyone in all our homes totaled 73.
Designing with pattern blocks continues to be a "go to" free time activity for so many friends. Here's a look at some of the latest.

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