Saturday, October 21, 2017

All in a Three Day Week

It may have been short, but we used every minute last week to go deeper and learn more.  On Monday, I took the children outside to the rock circle to create rock paper rubbings (much the way that Leo Lionni would have done) so we could have paper rocks for our mural of the Fredrick story.  Here is a picture of us putting it together after already having made paper mice just the way Leo did.
After school on Monday Ms.Verrill (third grade teacher) and I attended a Farm to School gathering as teacher representatives among all kinds of professionals connected to the initiative.  We are so fortunate in SB to have the support of parent volunteers and Common Roots in this endeavor.
Rounding out some important activities this week were some practice on white boards making sentences with popcorn words, contsructing paper chains that show combinations that total five, and collecting materials in the woods to make fairy houses in the courtyard.  Have a look!

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