Much of our work this week focused on "growing and going" green! On Monday the children looked through seed catalogs for pictures of fruits, veggies and flowers that they might like to plant in a garden. This activity was inspired by the Caldecott winning book, The Gardner by Sarah Stewart. On Tuesday we had a Farm to School session with Chef Anne and Jenna who used the book Tops and Bottoms to introduce the crew some of the delicious root vegetables we eat. On Thursday we had three young and inspired teachers from Vermont Common School come to lead the first of six lessons on environmental responsibility- the focus was waste: reduce, re-use, recycle! Below you will also see the class recording data on the changes they noticed in the bean seeds we are sprouting. And just for fun, I included a picture of our session with Mr.Schmidt's third grade class and the games they created using "Blue bots"- just like the "Bee- bots" we have worked with.
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