Sunday, April 15, 2018

Garlic, Games, Gizmos and the Great Outdoors

I'm not sure where the title of this post would make sense other than for something connected to a Kindergarten classroom!  The words in the title are key for describing several important events from our week.  
Garlic- because on Monday, when the sun was actually shining, we got out to the garden to plant garden with our buddies.  Maybe the little bulbs will think it's fall?!

Games- because we learned a new math game this week that's helpful in practicing plus and minus 1, 2, and 3.
Gizmos- for all the fun we are having with Lego robotics!  Thanks to Donna MacDonald and some willing parent helpers the children are building models and programming them to move, light up and make sounds with Ipads.

Great Outdoors- is referring to our birding expedition with Julie, a visiting Americorps Science Educator who took us out into the woods with binoculars and an appreciation for our feathered friends.

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