Sunday, December 10, 2017

Full Speed Ahead!

I opened this week's newsletter by saying what a productive week we'd had and I think this blog post will give you a good sense of it.  I'll start with some photos of our Math learning this week- you can see Ms. Emily's lesson about seeing equations on a 10 frame. "How may on the top row plus how many on the bottom, equals how many all together?"
Later in the week we played the card game Compare which tied in to seeing quantities on the 10 frame and did some Domino Math as a way of creating and checking addition equations.
In Literacy this week we began to think about creating our own stories.  We've been so inspired by reading "old favorites"! Take a look at our process poster and then you will see us doing step 1- brainstorming in writer's notebooks and 2- telling stories in a storyteller's voice.  As children told their stories, their classmates gave them feedback as to which story idea would be the best one to pursue writing.
And to all this learning in the classroom- lets add some amazing experiences in Farm to School- making a squash soup with curry and coconut milk, and using the parachute in PE!  Remember the article we shared in the beginning of the year about allowing for your child to have down time after school?  It's much needed!

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