One of my Orchard colleagues has used the phrase "finish strong" as a motivator for staying focused when there are lots of little pieces to pull together. You can tell that my bi-weekly blog posts became harder to keep up with towards the end of the year, but I really want to share some of our proudest moments. SO, here comes a back log of photos from May/June! Enjoy- and happy summer!
The late spring was a time for...
Working hard and playing hard! You can see students understanding letters in new ways like long vowels and word families, AND trying out materials in new ways like pictures with cuisinaire rods, seed art, and collaborative pentominos.

We made it through a stretch of rainy days with extra inside play and we had some special outdoor events like Field Day and the time our classe did some weeding ahead of the Spring Fling.
In the end, we came together for a picnic, a concert, a butterfly release, and for our final event of unrolling our scrolling calendar. This is when we got to "walk down memory lane" by looking at the little picture we grew each day this year to remember something from each day. What a year!