It's the second post of the year and I'm hoping to give you a feel for the balance between self directed and teacher lead learning times that make up our day. As the children build up interest and stamina for academics, I am busy learning about them!
To help us recognize all the personalities, preferences, languages, and cultures that make up our classroom community, we read two wonderful books: Karen Katz' The Colors of Us and We Are All Alike, We Are All Different by Cheltenham Elementary Kindergarteners. Our "paper selves" are now on display in the hallway outside our room.
With shapes as prominent focus in Math this month, we went on a shape search around the school. So many signs and features of the building are made of shapes!
Back in the classroom we constructed shapes on geoboards with rubber bands.
Later in the week we took out "the math tubs" for some student initiated sorting and designing.
To end this post, I'll leave you with a look at our Peace Corner. We've been building it together with tools for comfort and calming as we learn about The Zones of Regulation, positive self talk, and taking breaks to reset.