On Tuesday of the last week we took a walking field trip to Szymanski Park! I don't think I stopped smiling the whole time. It was a ton of fun to be out in the world with the Kindergarten crew and to meet up with so many family members.
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Stepping out, Moving On, and Looking Back
Seriously Capable
In the last few weeks of school even our pretend area had a pretty "serious" theme. Transformed from a pretend Vet's Office to a pretend Science Lab, the children used tweezers, magnifying glasses, balance scales, tracing paper and more to delve into discovery.
Ending Strong
I set out to try to compose a final blog post and I realized that in the hectic haze of the last few weeks I actually hadn't posted since early May! There is SO much to share that one post just won't do. Therefore, this will be the first of three posts to try to share about the fun and learning over the last few weeks.
One of the best parts of the end of the year was spending time with our fifth grade buddies. Here you can see them playing math games with us under the trees out front and helping us with Frog and Toad Puppets.