Throughout the year we have been working on Social Emotional Learning, which is a foundational part of education, when children learn how to self- regulate their emotions. We started this year off with learning about the “Zones of Regulation”, see below.

We teach
different techniques to help the children calm their emotions to come back to
the Green Zone, the ideal learning zone.
One of
these techniques was described in a book titled, The Lemonade Hurricane By, Lucia Morelli. This is a book about a
young boy who does not yet understand how his body and emotions affects other
people. His sister teaches him how to sit, breathe and slow down. She teaches
this by telling him to close his eyes and to imagine somewhere in the world
that will help bring him peace.
Tuesday, all the children created drawings of their peaceful places to make
this idea of imagining a place more tangible. This helped the children to
imagine, see and, think of a peaceful place that helps their bodies to calm
down. Now, when it comes time for us to do a short mediation, we can remind the
children to think of their peaceful places and to breathe. Their peaceful place
pages are now formed into a book and this is kept in the Peace Corner.
See below for some action shots!