What a week! Being able to go outside without jackets this week was a thrill. We took advantage of the weather and visited the courtyard for the first time in a long time.
Back in the classroom the children worked in groups to write stories that "added one more thing". Remember the old tale, "The House That Jack Built"? "This is the rat that ate the cheese, this is the cat that chased the rat..." Here's a look at our class using that concept as the springboard for original stories- stay tuned for updates.
Here's a look at our recent session with 5th Grade Buddies. Mr. Wright's class helped us make "word family flowers" that are now on display on the back bulletin to use as a reference.
Wrapping up this post is a look at a math activity- measuring with a ruler to the nearest inch! We're excited to put our measuring skills to the test sometime next week when we measure the flight distance of paper airplanes.